Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to Become a Great Cook

Well ladies and gentleman, there is nothing more attractive about a person that their ability to cook. Im not just talking about women knowing how to make dinners every night for the family, but mi talking to the men out there too. Being able to cook Is something everyone should be interested in. It is fun, exciting, and can impress many people. Here is how to do it.


Get out there and learn! Take a cooking class of buy some cooking books. If you are like I was, I had a hard time even making cookies, and that was an easy step by step instructions. This is when I decided to go study abroad in Italy. I learned how to cook and came back with the passion to learn more and expand my skills. All it takes is you getting out there and taking a simple cooking class.


Test out your skills. There is nothing that builds confidence more than cooking a dish and having people tell you how wonderful it is. Whether it is cooking for your family, a dinner party, or as a profession it is great when you get compliments on how great your food is. Once you have the simple skills down get out there and have people test your food. If they like it have them tell you why, if they didn't ask them what you could do to improve it. Take the advice and make yourself better.


Once you have the skills down, get out there and find books, or videos etc. this can help you expand your skill levels by trying harder things. Deserts are a great thing to try because they are normally really fancy and they have to be good. If you can go out and buy a book on deserts or on huge cuisines then do it. Practice makes perfect, so make sure whenever you get the chance to practice you are in there working up a storm. Now go cook your hearts out!

Carolina really loves writing articles that will help you become a better cook, she also has a passion for shopping for Womens Clothes Online and Travel Clothes for Women

How to Get a Girl to Like You

So men, if your having trouble in paradise when it comes to girls chances are you are trying to hard. I have dated several guys and they have all done basically the same thing to get my attention. Let me just tell you, form a girls point of view it is easy to do! All you have to do is try theses three simple things to get your ladies attention.


Do something witty. Girls are always different but there is one thing that is true about every girl. They like to laugh. If you can get a girl to laugh by doing something out of the blue, and thats not a cheesy pick-up line then you are good to go. This doesn't mean going and confessing your love to her in the middle of class, it simple means do something that will catch her attention, and do something that allows her to know that its her attention you are trying to get.


Be sweet. Many guys thing being macho and a jerk is the way to get a girl to like you, well like yes, but not love. If your looking for something real you want to show the girl who you really are. Being someone your not is only good if your looking for something temporary, or something that will last, one night. SO opening up to a girl shows a huge part of who you are, and it also shows that your comfortable with her, and this is big in getting her to like you.


Take her out. In the time period we live in it is easy to get away with not asking a girl out. Im not talking about taking her out every night and spending a lot of money on her. This is wrong. But you definitely should take her out when your getting to know her. This shows that you have class and you have intentions of getting to know her better, while showing her off on the town. I have been in a relationship for 3 years now and I would love it if my boyfriend would still take me out. This is huge!!! good luck guys!

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or Travel Clothes for Women check out these great new websites.

Getting Into Shape

All of you that are looking for a quick and easy way to get into shape, this article is perfect for you. I along with many others struggled to get in shape. I was unmotivated, overweight, and very unhappy with the way I looked. I wanted to get in shape because I felt unhealthy, to get more positive attention from other people, and to prove to my friends and family that I can take a part in changing my life. It was not easy trying to figure out what was best to help me get back to shape, but I was determined to find the best plan for me. And this is what worked


I lost over 40lbs in 4 months by using these steps. First diet is the most important thing. If you are used to eating three meals a day, and stuffing your face, you are in need of a change of routine. If you are trying to get in shape, but lose weight at the same time, you must eat a healthy junk free diet. You must keep your eye on the prize and try to avoid fatty foods and especially sodas. Stick to water, and I your a drink stay away from beer, there are a great number of carbs in beer.


Get on a regular workout plan. If you have the means to hire a workout consultant or a physical trainer I suggest you do so. It is so much easier to have someone there with you keeping you on track, pushing you when you think you cant go any more, and monitoring what the best thing for you to do in order to lose weight in a healthy way.


Dedication is key when you want to get back into shape. It is easy to go and say you are going to work out everyday, but once the pain and aches start kick in it is very easy to quit and “continue later.” This is what will get you to your goal. Make sure you are 100% dedicated to making an actual change in your life by getting in shape and being more healthy. So when you decide to make the move then you will be sure to make a change in your life. You can do it if you have the confidence and the motives. Good luck!

If this step by step guide to getting in shape helped you, you might be interested in checking out Carolina's new websites on Funnel Cake Fryer
and Propane Deep Fryer

How to Study For Anatomy Tests

For those of you that are in anatomy, or physiology, you know how challenging of a class it is. I started studying anatomy when I was a sophomore in college. I was swamped with trying to balance my school work with track, and with my friends. Every other class was easy for me to study for except for anatomy. All my roommates were in this class and we all had different forms of studying. We finally all got together and decided to put all our methods together and see if we can come up with some type of studying technique that will help us study for this class.

Step One:

Working in groups Is key. Me and my roommates study together, and this is the best thing. If you have someone to verbally study with and bounce ideas off of then you will learn way faster. Also, if there is a study guide if you spread out the work amongst more people then you will be able to start the studying process much faster than having to fill out the study guide alone. The faster you know what is on the test, the faster you will be able to start studying.

Step Two:

Organize your notes. This is very crucial in studying for a test, especially if its for a class as difficult as anatomy. Once you know what you are going to need to study for, you must organize them in chapter order. Making key notes and re-writing the notes is the best thing to do. If you re-write the notes you will remember things faster than if you just stared at a piece of paper trying to read the answer.

Step Three:

Understand the pictures. If you are learning about the human body it is almost pointless if you don't know where the certain functions are taking place. My advice is to understand all the diagrams and pictures before you start to learn about what is going on. Therefore you will visualize what is going on in the actual spot that it is happening in.

If you enjoyed what Carolina had to say about different studying techniques, check out her new website on Funnel Cake Fryer and Propane Deep Fryer

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Connect With Your Horse

Getting your first horse is one of the most important things in a young man or young ladies life. For me one of the things I was most worried about was not having that connection that I wanted so badly with my first horse. However, after riding a horse that you are interested it is safe to say that a connection is already made between you as horse and rider, however the connection can go much deeper than that. The connection between man and horse can over rule any just felt between being on an animals back. Here are three ways that with build your relationship with your horse.


As cliché as this may sound it is important to get to know your horse. Know his worries, his fears, and his weaknesses. Make sure you spend time outside the arena with him. Riding your horse can create a bond, but if you have a bond on the ground it can be easily reflected in how you two work together in the arena. Make he/she knows that you can be trusted.


Spend time working him out other than riding. Though riding creates a relationship that is strong, it is sometimes easier to control a horse when you are on his back. If you can control a horse on the lead that is half the battle. Make sure you are doing exercises with your horse such as lunging and leading. This is also a great way to get your horse to listen to commands of yours. If your horse can canter on cue, and halt on cue on the end of a lunge line, it will be easy to incorporate that in your ride.


Create something unique with your horse. My horse always knows its me because of my car. When I pull up he will immediately trot over and nicker at the sight of me. When I whistle he will nicker as well. I have created the whistle as a somewhat of a “come here” command. Sometimes I laugh at the idea that horses are really just big dogs. There has been several times where he has gotten lose, from me leaving the door open or being careless. All I have to do is whistle for him to come, give him a treat, and he will come. This is something I share with him, he knows my whistle, and I know he will respond. Now go out there and create a long lasting relationship.

If you enjoyed what Carolina had to say about horses, check out her new website on Funnel Cake Fryer and Propane Deep Fryer

Best Nighttime Remedies

I, like many others have fallen into a routine before bed time. It is safe to say It has become somewhat of an autopilot for me when it comes to getting ready for bed. I brush my teeth, wash my face, take my vitamins, etc. However, when I wake up I still feel tired and as though I didn't get the sleep I needed. I was so tired of feeling exhausted and unlively in the morning. This is when I figured out three simple things I can do before I go to sleep to help me fall asleep, and stay asleep.


Chapstick. I know this is really random and funny to say, but this is the key to a goodnight sleep. Whenever I wake up in the morning, like many others, I am dehydrated. My lips are dry and I am extremely thirsty. This is when I started applying chap stick to my lips right before bedtime. Depending on how much I need I will sometime pile it on to make sure I get moisture throughout the night. When I wake up the next morning my lips are soft and hydrated for the rest of the day.


Find a background noise that is calming to you. As a college student I have to share a room with another girl. Normally I wouldn't mind, however this girl tends to talk in her sleep and occasionally snore. Any inconstant noise like these is enough to keep me up for the entire night. This is when I started trying things, like listening to my ipod while trying to fall asleep, turning the fan on medium so you have a constant noise, or even setting the TV on sleep mode for 30 minutes until you falls asleep.


Relax your body. For those of you that don't have a hard time sleeping, ignore this completely. However, if you are like me and sometimes take up to an hour to fall asleep, then this will really help you. Lay on your back at night and breathe in deep, try to shut your mind off, by picturing something happening over and over again. For me I think of riding a horse across an open field, this is soothing and calming to me, which allows me to fall asleep.

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or Travel Clothes for Women check out these websites.

How to Balance Friends and Work

I have had a very wonderful and easy childhood. I did not have to walk to school, uphill both ways, in the snow, or have to work 18 hour days. However, there came a point when I turned 17 that I needed extra money, and therefore needed a job. It was so hard for me to try and picture a life that involved me working. I was so comfortable with hanging out every night with my friends and my boyfriend, that I couldn't even imagine having work take up that time, but it did, and this is how I handled it.


I made sure my friends understood that I needed to work. My friends are the jealous type and so is my boyfriend, so before spreading out the time between them was even hard. Making sure having a talk with your friends is extremely important. My friends were really upset when I had to start working, many of them work too so finding times that we can all hang out together was really hard.


Make sure your schedule so you can spend important days with them. Before you go in for work make sure you have all the important days that you need to take off. Whether it be their birthday, large celebrations or holidays try and request that time off. I know it is hard to be pick when first getting a job, especially because you probably wont have priority over which hours or days you get


After you make you schedule and explain to your friends that this is something that you really need to do, all that is left is to have fun with it. If this is your first job you should so excited about entering the world of business. If you are not excited about working, it will definitely change when you pick up your first paycheck, it is the best feeling in the world. So good luck!

For those of you that liked reading this article, you might be interested in Carolinas new websites on Womens Clothes Online and Travel Clothes for Women

Relaxation Techniques to Fall asleep

If you are like me, you dread the night. I have always loved my sleep and have always looked forward to crawling into bed at the end of the day. However, lately I have been having such a hard time falling asleep. My brain seems to be continuously going right before I lay down, and then speed up even more while i'm lying there. This was driving me crazy, I am an athlete and a college student, so sleep is crucial for me. I looked everywhere to try and figure out how to fall asleep faster and have found three different techniques that work, there they are.

Tip One:

This is called the relaxation technique. When laying in bed you first start at your toes, contract your muscles, and curl your toes, hold that pressure for 5 minutes then relax. You then do this with your other foot. After you have done your toes and your feet you want to continue to rise up your body, next with your calf, then with your thighs, then your buttock, etc. This contracting and relaxing technique will allow your muscles to completely relax, while keeping you focused on something other than your day, keeping your mind from racing around.

Tip Two:

Lay flat on your back and try to make your mind blank. This is for those of you who lay in bed and continuously think about the day, over analyzing everything that went on. If you do this, no wonder you cant get to sleep, it is exhausting! By getting your mind blank I simply mean think of something that is non-relevant Think of the ocean, blank, with nothing on it. Think of a snowy mountain, with no snowboarders or skiers on it, or think of rolling hills, and picture that in your mind until you fall asleep

Tip Three:

Read a book! If you love to read this is perfect for you. Late at night reading is great to get you tired. Especially if it is a boring book, or a school subject book such as chemistry. Reading a good book works too. Something about your eyes continuously working late at night puts your mind to ease much quicker than anything else you can do before bed time. If you are used to reading glasses, try to read as long as possible without them, this will allow your eyes to work that much harder, making them tired.

Carolina really loves writing articles about relaxation, she also has a passion for shopping for Womens Clothes Online and Travel Clothes for Women

How to choose which country to study abroad

As a sophomore in college I really needed to get out and see the world. I felt as though I had fallen into the same boring routine. This is when I decided that I should study abroad. I was so excited about the idea and immediately started looking for places that I wanted to go too. I thought about Australia, spain, italy, and france. All the main stream places that I would love to go to. I just couldn't narrow down my search to a county that I would like to spend four months in. After figuring out where I wanted to go I wanted to make sure those who were in the same situation as me could figure out an easier way to figure out where to go. Well, Here it is.


Think about what you want to get out of this experience. Mostly people study abroad to study another language, be somewhere new, or study a certain culture. Knowing why you want to study abroad is the best and easiest way in figuring out were the best place for you to go is. I am a romantic and have always been interested in studying abroad in Italy ever since my family and I went there on vacation. I recommend studying abroad in a place that you have learned the language. It is such a great experience being able to communicate with those who live in the country that you are studying in.


Find someone to talk to. I had talked to my friends who had studied abroad in countries that were only english speaking. This is something they surprisingly said they regretted. They said they wished they would have gone somewhere with a completely different culture and a different language. Getting out of your comfort zone is one of the most important things. If you love culture or a specific language then this is the perfect opportunity for you to get out there and experience something new.


Find a place where you can be alone. Sometimes talking to someone else can make you more confused. What really helped me make the decision was myself. I went somewhere alone and thought about where I could see myself. I knew I wanted to be in europe and wanted to experience someplace that would change my life. You will be surprised how much being alone will help you figure out what you really want. I recommend this to everyone. Good luck!

If you are interested in purchasing a new Funnel Cake Fryer or a new Propane Deep Fryer check out these websites.

How to lose weight fast

There are hundreds of commercials and advertisements out there that make it seem like losing weight is fast and easy. This is true if you want to go to the drs. Office and get liposuction or go and spend 100s of dollars on a pill that doesn't really work. I for one believe that you can lose as much wight as possible by following these three simple steps. These steps require no pills, and definitely no liposuction. Check it out.

Step one:

Diet. The phrase you are what you eat couldn't be more true in this situation. Im not saying that you have to starve yourself in order to lose weight, or spend 100 dollars a month on the Jennie craig diet plan. All you need to do is eat healthy. This means not eating as many sweets, and fatty foods as you and I would probably like. Stick to fruits and vegetables, well done heathy meat, potatoes.

Step Two:

Instead of stuffing your face and only eating twice a day, spread out your meals and eat little amounts but as often as possible. It is very important that you have little snacks throughout the day. Taking vitamins and and balancing out your food throughout the day is the best way to keep a healthy body while keeping your organs healthy and happy too.

Step Three:

Drink water! I know a lot of people think water just adds more weight on this is not entirely true. Your body need water, and the happier your body is the faster your metabolism with be. This means that your food will digest faster, and it will allow you to get full faster as well. Make sure you stay away from juices with a lot of sugar, and most definitely stay away from soda. Soda is probably the worse thing you can drink if you are trying to lose weight in a healthy fashion. I hope this helps.

If this helped you, you might be interested in checking out Carolina's new websites on Funnel Cake Fryer
and Propane Deep Fryer

Monday, April 26, 2010

How To Teach a Young Horse to Jump

As a horse lover, I had always wanted a horse of my own from a young age. Finally, at the age of 13 my mother said I was ready to get a horse. My first horse was a 5 year old arabian mare. For those of you that don't know what an arabian is, let me just tell you that they are very spirited, especially if they are 5 years old. So training my horse to jump was quiet a challenge for me. This is how I taught her to jump.

Step one:

Make sure you have someone there either watching you, for safety reasons, or an instructor that has had experience with training young horses to jump. Once you have that, you must start at a very slow easy level. If you haven't introduced your horse to trot poles or anything off the ground then definitely set up a single trot pole and walk over, trot over, canter over, and once they are confident, add another pole.

Step Two:

Once your horse is comfortable with trotting over at least 4 trot poles and cantering through 2, it is time to introduce your horse to a cavolette. A cavolette, is just another word for a small x jump. They are normally white and can be flipped four different times to raise the pole off the ground 6inches at a time. Put a cavolette at the end of four trot poles, and walk, then trot your horse through.

Step Three:

After they are trotting over the cavolette and trot poles with confidence, remove the trot poles and try raising the cavolette to the higher level and continue trotting through. If your horse does this a few times with confidence you have successfully built a solid foundation for teaching your horse to jump. It is important to end the day after not doing to much because you don't want to overwhelm your horse on the first few days.

Carolina not only loves horses, she also loves making websites. If you are interested in purchasing a new Remington Hair Clippers or a Panasonic Electric Shavers
check out her website.

How to Make HIM Want You

So ladies, there is always that one guy that got away. That one guy that you could never get, and could never forget about. Well, like you, I too have gone through heartbreak of wanting someone who doesn't even know I exist. My story however, is a happy ending. I got the guy of my dreams and have been with him for three years now. This is how I did it.

Point one:

To get his attention. This is the easiest part though most girls think its the hardest. All you have to do is make sure he knows your interested. This basically means, be yourself. If this guy doenst know you, there is no need to be nervous, and if he is that wonderful, he will like you for who you are. So, whether that be approaching him in the hallway and introducing yourself, or even giving him an “extra” coffee you bought this morning to work, anything. Just get his eyes on you.

Point two:

After he knows you exist, give it a day or two for him to approach you. If he doesn't, then you must take the role of the independent and powerful women by approaching him once again. Either bring up a conversation, invite him out for lunch, invite him to a casual kick back, or mention something that you can both connect on, even if it is something as lame as homework, or a boss's bad toupee, get him in a situation where you can show him who you are.

Point three:

The main thing we as ladies must remember is that confidence is key, and leaving a man wanting more, even though I hate to admit it, is the best way to go. After you have a confirmation on a date or get together, make sure you open up, keep it casual and flirty, but let him know your values, make him respect you as a person before he thinks you can just be another one night stand. Go get him girls!

If you liked what you read here or if you are interested in purchasing new Remington Hair Clippers or Remington Titanium Shaver
check out these websites

How to Survive Your First Year of College

I like many others who just graduated high school couldn't wait to go to college and start over. I was very excited and confident that everything would be perfect. It wasn't until all my friends were gone and I realized that I was going into college completely alone that I started to worry. I am now in the 3rd year of college and am having the time of my life, these are three reasons why.

Step One:

Find friends. Most colleges have an initiation week or orientation. Even though it might seem lame to go through orientation, this is where I met most of my best friends that I have now. Having great friends is what definitely makes a college experience the best experience of your life. No one likes being alone, so get out there, join a sports team or club, and meet people.

Step Two:

Balance is key in surviving your first year of college. A lot of people who first jump straight into college after living at home with their parents tend to go a little crazy with the freedom that has just been given to them. Make sure you have a solid list of priorities, I don't mean to sound like a parent but make sure school comes first before going out and partying.

Step Three:

Do something crazy. Many people assume that if you go to college your going to go out and drink every night, date around, and fail all your classes. This is not the case, doing something crazy just means going outside your comfort zone. This could be anything from joining a sports team, a band, making a club, or throwing a poker party for your school. Hope this helps!

If you are interested in purchasing a new Remington Hair Clippers or Panasonic Electric Shavers make sure you check out these awesome websites

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to Make a Facebook

As a religious user of myspace and twitter, I felt that it was about time to take the plunge and join facebook. I was so worried that I was going to have to spend hours making my facebook just like my myspace. I put so much time and effort into customizing my page and making it so it was personalized for my and my styles. Well, let me just tell you, facebook is amazing! It is not only way easier than myspace because you don't have to design it yourself, but its way simpler.


Take the plunge. It seems scary to move to facebook from myspace. I was afraid of losing connections with all the friends I have on facebook, but to my surprise they were all on facebook. A lot of my friends that never had a myspace had a facebook! I was so surprised. It is really simple and easy to make a facebook, all you need to do first is go to


It then makes it simple to make a new facebook on the main page. All you have to do is type in your information, email address, name, and birthdate. It then automatically finds you friends based on the year you were born. It calculates when you would have graduated from high school, college, etc. Once you type in your information it will show you a list of people have entered the same information! It was great, I found a bunch of my friends


The next step is adding all your personal information. This is fun because it allows your friends to see and read things about you that they had no idea about. People can comment on the things you like and also write on your wall with a simple click of a button. It was great! After that you can upload your photo and make it official. Good luck!

Jani loves her new facebook, and also has an interest in Remington Beard Trimmer and Remington Hair Clippers Check out her new website.

Best Prank Ever!

For those of you who love to make people laugh, or scream, this is perfect for you. I myself, is a huge junky for playing pranks or practical jokes on my friends. I'm pretty sure April fools day was made for my enjoyment only. I have been stuck in an ongoing prank war with one of my good friends on my college campus. It started with little things, hiding objects, sneaking in at night and scaring them, etc. But it wasn't until I did this prank that declared me the winner. Here are the steps to the ideal prank.

Step One:

Get the equipment. So this prank requires 100-500 dixie cups, or red cups, if you want to be really mean. This prank can get a little costly, but its so worth it if you ask me. Go to the store and along with all those dixie cups, purchase a hose, if you know you do not have on that you can use at home or near their room.

Step Two: You must know your enemy. You must know when the perfect time to strike is. Either in the middle of the night if you know they leave their door unlocked, or while all of the roomies, including the target are out of the room. When you know that it is safe, and everyone is gone, now is the perfect time to plant the bomb.

Step Three:

Once everyone is gone, take all the cups and place them around the room, you can either do this by filling each cup individually with water and placing it down or by placing all the cups down in rows and filling them up with a hose or large pouring device. Your objective is to place all 100 cups around the room, or house so close together that they wont be able to put their foot down without knocking a cup over and spilling water everywhere. They will either be stuck in their room (if you do it at night) or stuck in their doorway, unsure of where to go. They will have to take each cup individually and pour it out. They will not know what to do!

If you liked what Jani had to say about pranks, check out her new website about Remington Beard Trimmer and Remington Hair Clippers

How to Make a Fortune in Making Websites

I,like many other people all over the world are looking for a job that is stable, with flexible hours, and that allows me to work from home. Everyone told me this was an impossible goal. However, after researching and talking to my friends I found out that making websites online is a great way to make money, and not have to leave the house! Sounds ideal right? Even though many people make a living off of making websites, it definitely takes a lot of work. Hopefully these steps will help you in making this a reality.

Step One:

Research! This is one of the most important steps in starting out making a website. You should take classes, search online for possible software that can help make your life easy, or even look for a mentor. I was lucky enough to have my friend help me get started. However, make sure you know that like anything else an investment is involved. You will have to spend money on domain names, softwares, and a hosting company.

Step Two:

After you have researched about what it takes to make a website, and you are still interested the next step is figuring out what topic is best to create your first website on. Many people think that if you make a website on the most popular products out there then they will get a lot of traffic. This seems like it would work, but remember you are competing with thousands of other websites out there that are trying to do exactly the same thing. So make sure and pick a topic that has a good number of visits a month, but also something that can allow you to be first on the search engine.

Step Three:

After you have chosen a topic it is important that you practice building your website before you by the domain name and put your first website up on google. This is because you want to be ready to put your website up as quickly as possible. So making your website before you by the domain name is a must! I hope this helped all you entrepreneurs out there! Good luck!

Jani loves making websites, if you are interested in a newRemington Electric Shaver or Remington Hair Clippers make sure to check out her new website.

How to Make Money Quick

It seems like as the world is changing people desire more and more things in order to have a luxurious life. However, in order for someone to live the perfect dream life that they so desire, money is needed. I have always been the one to say that I will come up with a million dollar idea by my early 20s and then spend the rest of my life at ease. However, well all know saying that and day dreaming about such a life is way easier than actually achieving it. Well, this can change.

Step One:

In order to make money quick all you need to come up with is an idea. You can try making money on the internet, by having a garage sale, or even by getting a regular job, but we all know that the easier the job is and the less work that is needed is ideal. All you need to do is come up with an idea. Whether it be an idea to create a company, a product, or even a website that can potentially bring in the dough.

Step Two:

Once you think you found that million dollar idea, sharing your idea and making it a reality is probably the hardest part. Putting your idea out there is scary, because some people will laugh at it, say is impossible, or even turn there back on you. This is no reason to not share your idea. Look up ways online, or talk to someone who started a company and get a good idea of the steps needed.

Step Three:

Once you have your idea, and a way to make it turn into a reality, you have basically achieved what thousands of americans try to achieve everyday. Im not guaranteeing that this idea will be a success or that you will make millions of dollars over night, but its a start. Today the money is found in small companies or private organizations. Get out there and make it happen.

Jani has a great understand about what it takes to make money in this world. If you liked her article or are interested in a new Remington Electric Shaver or Remington Hair Clippers check out her website.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Best Way To Clip Your Horse

I own a 21year old 15hand Morgan. For those of you who have not seen a Morgan, they are hairy!! I have owned him for six years now and every winter end up having to completely shave him three times. It would take me at least five hours each time to shave his whole body. My blades would break, the fuse would catch on fire, or I would run out of daylight. I am now an expert at shaving my horse, and now would like to share my strategy with the rest of the world.


Make sure you start out early in the day! I know this seems like common sense, but sometimes you run into issues while clipping your horse. You can break your blades, or the clipper itself could break. By starting off early in the day this guarantees enough time for you to go out to the store if you need to and still have time to come back and finish the job.


This is the most important step. Make sure you give your horse a very detailed bath either the day before or the day of clipping. If your horse has a great deal of hair and wont dry within two hours of a bath then you should do it the day before. However, make sure your horse is completely dry before clipping. The importance of giving a bath is key in a smooth and “zig-zag” free effect. If the hair is smooth and clean it will be removed from the skin easier.


Come prepared! Make sure you have extra blades! I know I have emphasized the importance of having extra blades in the steps above, I will say it again. Get extra blades, and even if your can afford it, extra clippers. If you don't have the means or money for extras, make sure you have the name or number of a friend at the barn that has clippers. If worse comes to worse you can ask to borrow theirs to finish the job.

If you enjoyed reading Lani's article on Horses, you may also be interested in Panasonic Electric Shavers and
Remington Hair Clippers.

What does the Dressage Judge Want to see?

As a three day eventor the first day or dressage is the most important day. This gets you either a secure place in the standings for a ribbon at the end of the weekend, or a spot at the end where your hoping that someone has a horse that cant jump. I bought a horse that was a superstar at dressage, but I myself was not the most knowledgeable in the art of dressage. I did my research and found out how I could get higher scores on my dressage test, and these are the three steps I found to help me the most.

Step One:

Know your test! This seems extremely simple, but you would be surprised to find out that 1/5 people that enter a dressage ring forget their tests! Make sure you know your test back and forth, and can march in there with the confidence that you can ride this test, and ride it well. The judge can tell confidence by your posture, and the posture of even your horse.

Step Two:

Practice, practice, practice. I know this is cliche to say, but the more you do your test the more you will improve. Not only will you remember it, but your horse will know your test as well. Horses are very smart and will remember where they are suppose to go if the test has been practiced enough. It also gives you a chance to make sure you give yourself the confidence you need.

Step Three:

Having my mother there to watch me practice my test was such a help! If you do not have your trainer available at all times it really helps to find someone who can point out your posture and your position while riding your test. If you don't have someone to watch you, set up a video camera, or go to an arena with a mirror. This makes all the difference.

If you are interested in Panasonic Electric Shavers and
Remington Hair Clippers. Make sure and check out Lani's new websites.

Keeping your horse from refusing

The most frustrating thing for me as a young rider was training my new arabian mare. She was my first horse and I loved her dearly, however I could not for the life of me get her to jump over a jump. At first everything was going great, and then she figured out how to refuse. From this point on I made it a task for me to figure out how to get her to jump confidently over a fence. After months of trying countless things, I figured out three different ways to build your horses confidence again.

Step One:

Start from the basics. I know this is frustrating to here, but sometime you must go back and teach your horse the very basics. This could mean re-teaching him/her to walk over trot poles, or even one pole! If your horse is refusing, there is something that is obviously going on that your horse is not happy with. In order to find this out, you must go back and build his/her confidence, even if that means walking in circles over a single trot pole.

Step Two:

Next, after your horse figures out that he/she is not going to die from walking or trotting over a trot pole it is time to move on to lunging over a small fence. For those of you who do not have small x-jumps, this is where it might be hard for you. Before you even think about jumping your horse again, you must see him/her approach the jump and examine when he/she starts to back off over the fence. This is key in knowing when/where to apply more leg to make sure the horse jumps over the fence.

Step Three:

After your horse has started to confidently jump over small jumps, it is time to move to attempting it yourself. You can either try over trot poles will a small kavoledi at the end of three or four trot poles by yourself or by having someone else lead you with a lunge line. It is important to relive the experience that the horse was most comfortable with in the actual attempt. If this means going back to being lunged by your instructor then so be it.

Lani has always had an interested in horses. Her other interests include Panasonic Electric Shavers and
Remington Hair Clippers.

Learning how to Jump your horse

Learning how to jump a horse was one of the most exciting memories I have as a child. I was so nervous when I found out that I would be jumping for the first time in my lesson. I was 10 years old and was riding a small pony. My horse instructor made it so easy for me. She broke it down into three simple steps:

Step One:

Confidence. I know a lot of people think that the connection between the horse and rider doesn't exist. This is not true. The connection of horse and rider is amongst one of the most important, especially when dealing with learning how to jump a horse for the first time. You must feel confident that you can jump and knowing that is the key in the horse feeling confident as well.

Step two:

Prepare by watching others. For those of you who are visual learners this is one of the most important steps. Being able to watch a peer or even your instructor jump before you do is very important. It puts the mind at ease much more if you watch someone perform a task before you must. After you watch someone perform the jump you will automatically have a positive image in your head, and therefore confidence will be restored.

Step Three:

Make sure your ready. A lot of beginners are very eager when it comes to learning how to jump there horse. It is very important that you as a novice rider understand the simple jumpers or (two-point) position, and can maintain a balance while riding over poles on the ground. These are positions that you must be able to hold over a fence, so you should definitely have down on the flat.

Lani is very interested in horses and anything about them. She is also interested in Panasonic Electric Shavers and
Remington Hair Clippers. Make sure and check out her website.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Best Ways To Recover After Being Sick

It is safe to say that no one likes being sick. And me for on absolutely hates it. For people who are as busy as I am, being sick is something I try to avoid at all costs, because I have to then put my life on hold. I have figured out three simple ways to either avoid getting sick or recovering from being sick. Here is the simple list of three.

First thing:

Drink Fluids. This is so important! I know you parents probably told you, every time you were sick to drink water constantly. Well, parents always know whats best. Nothing flushes out the system more than drinking a great deal of water. Whenever you feel if your getting sick, or if your sick, make sure you drink water constantly.

Second Thing:

Rest! I know a great deal of people feel like they can push through betting sick, or even just take vitamins to feel instantly better. This is not the case. If you feel as though you might be getting sick it is extremely important to take a few days and rest and recover. These few days of rest may be the thing that may actually prevent you from getting sick in the first place. Stay inside and relax, being sick is your bodies way of saying you need a rest.

Third Thing:

The phrase you are what you eat is very true in this aspect. It is very important to eat healthy and to make sure you take your vitamins. Eating your balance of fruits and vegetables everyday is extremely important in keeping your immunity system up. Stay away from junk food and fast food products especially if there high in fats and sugars.

If you are thinking about purchasing Remington Hair Clippers. Make sure and check out Carolina's website at

Easiest Way to Write a Paper

Having to write a paper comes naturally for most people, but what about the people who struggle to write? As a college student I feel as though I have finally reached the level where I feel confident in being able to write a well established and clear error-free paper. It is extremely simple if you know how and where to start. I have figured out three easy steps that almost anyone can follow, in order to write a clear paper on any topic.

Step one:

Know your topic! This is the most important step. It is very important that before any paper you write you must research your topic. Whether it be looking it up online, asking someone who knows the topic well, or studying in the library. We all know that sometimes you get assigned a paper topic that you have no interest in or have any idea about. If you do not take the action of trying to learn about the topic and become interested in it, it will make the paper more of a burden to try and write.

Step Two:

The second step, after researching your topic, is to create a diagram out simple outline. Not only with an outline allow you to write your paper much faster than you would without one but it will also allow you to have a good idea of where you are going from paragraph to paragraph. It is easy to expand off of of a short amount of information pulled out from the research you found before hand.

Step Three:

Quotes! Quotes! Quotes! This is extremely important. Going out and finding quotes about your topic will make you life so much easier when it comes to writing papers. It is easy to find a quote and use a paragraph to expand on the quote and connect it to your topic. Quotes aren't only great for backing up your idea, but it is a great way to show that you did your research.

Carolina does a great deal of writing in her spare time. She also has interests in Remington Hair Clippers . If you are interested in purchasing new clippers, check out her website at

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Most popular ab workouts

Abs are one of the most popular and most desired part of the female and male body. If you have a flat stomach or a pair of 6pack abs, you give off the appeal that you are in shape and healthy. There are several different ab work outs that have become popular, April Abs, P90x etc. However, I have designed an ab work out that is guaranteed to give you the best abs by summer.

Workout One:

This is the most simple, and most effective ab work out for the upper oblique and abdominal muscles. You start in the regular crunch position and depending on how in shape you are already these numbers may vary. Start with you legs flat on the ground, do 10-20 sit ups, then move your legs up to a v shape on the ground, (10sit-ups) next lift legs up in a 90degree angle (10sit ups), then legs straight up and (10) toe touches. You then do this in a ladder from.

Workout Two:

These are the most well known ab exercises, and are sometimes overlooked. They are called planks. To do a plank you lay flat on the ground on your stomach, you then lift your body so all your weight is on your toes and your elbows (arms flat on the ground). You then hold this position for 30sec (if starting off) by the end of two weeks you should be able to last a plank for two minutes in a set of 3.

Workout Three:

Running. I know running seems like it would only benefit your cardio fitness. However, sprinting is one of the most effective ways to develop abs. Anything under 400meter sprints shape your abs because of the constant contraction of the muscles. If you do ladder build ups of 50-80-100-120-100-80-50meter sprints. This is the best way to engage your core.

If your in need of a new shaver check out a popular brand Remington Hair Clippers. For reviews on these clippers check out Http://

Getting back into shape

Its been the biggest struggle for me as a college athlete to stay in shape after the season ends. I have had so much struggle getting back in shape for the next season after taking a month or two off for summer vacation. I finally have figured out how the fastest and most efficient way of getting back in shape, without causing pain to your body.

First Step:

The expression “you are what you eat” is perfect in this scenario. It is so important when getting back in shape to eat healthy! You are what you eat, and therefore maintaing to a healthy fruit and vegetable, carb and protein balanced diet is the best way to go when trying to get back in shape. Also drinking water is KEY in building body muscle and increasing cardio endurance.

Second Step:

Put yourself on a time schedule. I know this sound cliche, but it helps to have a schedule of what you are going to do and what time of the day you will do it. This helps by allowing you to plan other things around your exercise plan for the day. If this means joining a gym and going to certain classes each day at certain times. DO IT!

Third Step:

Be dedicated and motivated! This is extremely important in getting back into shape. It is easy to fall into a lazy habit while not working out, so it is important to find your motivation to get back in shape. Whether it be because beach season is coming up, or you want to start dating someone new, you must have motivation. It also helps to find someone who is interested in getting back into shape too, this makes it so you can both keep each other motivated and on task.

If you want the best quality hair clippers then you need to think about getting some Remington Hair Clippers. To see some great reviews check out

Finding a horse for you

ts important to really think about which kind of horse you would like to have before you go out and start looking. From personal experiences, I have gone out without thinking about what I want and end up falling in love with a horse that isn't right for me. In this article I will give you three ways in order to make sure this horse is the right horse for you.

First Step:

Make sure you know what you want to do with this horse. Remember just like cars, horses have different frames, and have different abilities. If you want a horse you want to race/endurance riding you want an arabian, if you want a horse for pleasure western riding, you want an older, calmer quarter horse, and if you want a horse to compete, then you want to look for a Thoroughbred.

Second Step:

After you decided what you want to be able to do with your horse, it is important to find a trainer or person who knows about horses to take with you to look at them. It always helps to have a second pair of eyes there to give a second opinion. It is also important to have someone there who knows you and your riding capabilities. Theres nothing worse then getting a horse that is way to much for you to handle.

Third Step:

Make sure and figure out everything financially before you go out and start looking to buy a horse. Horses can be both extremely time consuming and extremely expensive. You have to think about vet visits, boarding costs, misc wants and needs, food etc. You must make sure this is something you can definitely afford before jumping into buying a horse.

If you are thinking about purchasing some new Remington Hair Clippers then all you have to do is check out Carolinas new website at

How to do three day horse eventing

The relationship between man and horse can go back in time to the middle ages and farther. Horses were used in battle, in sport, and for transportation. Now horses are mostly used for racing or competing, and showing. For those of you who are confused about three day horse eventing, I will answer all your questions by breaking it down into each days competition.

Day 1:

The first and most important day of the competition is Dressage. This is the day in which will get you in the rankings for the next two events the previous days. Dressage takes place in a 30 by 90foot course and has the letters AKEHCMBF placed statistically around the ring. You this perform movements based on the letters in the course. The judges then judge you on each move and you are given a score.

Day 2:

This is the second day of competition, cross-country jumping. This consists of jumping over all natural fences. It can be anything from a log, a river, or a hedge. You follow a course, usually jumping anything from 15-30 jumps over a span of 2-3 miles. You are judged on how many refusals(stops) made by your horse, and of course judged on how close you get to the optimal time.

Day 3:

This is the last day of 3-day eventing. This is show-jumping. Here you are given a course, much like cross-country, however, you are inside an enclosed arena and are being judged over every fence. If you hit a jump and the rail falls of you get -3 points, if your horse stops at a fence you get -4 points. Your points are all added up and the lowest score at the end of the weekend wins.

Carolina has a lot of interests including three day eventing. She has just created a new website about Remington Hair Clippers. If you want to learn more about this new website check out

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello People

Welcome to my website. Enjoy!