Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to Become a Great Cook

Well ladies and gentleman, there is nothing more attractive about a person that their ability to cook. Im not just talking about women knowing how to make dinners every night for the family, but mi talking to the men out there too. Being able to cook Is something everyone should be interested in. It is fun, exciting, and can impress many people. Here is how to do it.


Get out there and learn! Take a cooking class of buy some cooking books. If you are like I was, I had a hard time even making cookies, and that was an easy step by step instructions. This is when I decided to go study abroad in Italy. I learned how to cook and came back with the passion to learn more and expand my skills. All it takes is you getting out there and taking a simple cooking class.


Test out your skills. There is nothing that builds confidence more than cooking a dish and having people tell you how wonderful it is. Whether it is cooking for your family, a dinner party, or as a profession it is great when you get compliments on how great your food is. Once you have the simple skills down get out there and have people test your food. If they like it have them tell you why, if they didn't ask them what you could do to improve it. Take the advice and make yourself better.


Once you have the skills down, get out there and find books, or videos etc. this can help you expand your skill levels by trying harder things. Deserts are a great thing to try because they are normally really fancy and they have to be good. If you can go out and buy a book on deserts or on huge cuisines then do it. Practice makes perfect, so make sure whenever you get the chance to practice you are in there working up a storm. Now go cook your hearts out!

Carolina really loves writing articles that will help you become a better cook, she also has a passion for shopping for Womens Clothes Online and Travel Clothes for Women

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