Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Connect With Your Horse

Getting your first horse is one of the most important things in a young man or young ladies life. For me one of the things I was most worried about was not having that connection that I wanted so badly with my first horse. However, after riding a horse that you are interested it is safe to say that a connection is already made between you as horse and rider, however the connection can go much deeper than that. The connection between man and horse can over rule any just felt between being on an animals back. Here are three ways that with build your relationship with your horse.


As cliché as this may sound it is important to get to know your horse. Know his worries, his fears, and his weaknesses. Make sure you spend time outside the arena with him. Riding your horse can create a bond, but if you have a bond on the ground it can be easily reflected in how you two work together in the arena. Make he/she knows that you can be trusted.


Spend time working him out other than riding. Though riding creates a relationship that is strong, it is sometimes easier to control a horse when you are on his back. If you can control a horse on the lead that is half the battle. Make sure you are doing exercises with your horse such as lunging and leading. This is also a great way to get your horse to listen to commands of yours. If your horse can canter on cue, and halt on cue on the end of a lunge line, it will be easy to incorporate that in your ride.


Create something unique with your horse. My horse always knows its me because of my car. When I pull up he will immediately trot over and nicker at the sight of me. When I whistle he will nicker as well. I have created the whistle as a somewhat of a “come here” command. Sometimes I laugh at the idea that horses are really just big dogs. There has been several times where he has gotten lose, from me leaving the door open or being careless. All I have to do is whistle for him to come, give him a treat, and he will come. This is something I share with him, he knows my whistle, and I know he will respond. Now go out there and create a long lasting relationship.

If you enjoyed what Carolina had to say about horses, check out her new website on Funnel Cake Fryer and Propane Deep Fryer

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