Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Relaxation Techniques to Fall asleep

If you are like me, you dread the night. I have always loved my sleep and have always looked forward to crawling into bed at the end of the day. However, lately I have been having such a hard time falling asleep. My brain seems to be continuously going right before I lay down, and then speed up even more while i'm lying there. This was driving me crazy, I am an athlete and a college student, so sleep is crucial for me. I looked everywhere to try and figure out how to fall asleep faster and have found three different techniques that work, there they are.

Tip One:

This is called the relaxation technique. When laying in bed you first start at your toes, contract your muscles, and curl your toes, hold that pressure for 5 minutes then relax. You then do this with your other foot. After you have done your toes and your feet you want to continue to rise up your body, next with your calf, then with your thighs, then your buttock, etc. This contracting and relaxing technique will allow your muscles to completely relax, while keeping you focused on something other than your day, keeping your mind from racing around.

Tip Two:

Lay flat on your back and try to make your mind blank. This is for those of you who lay in bed and continuously think about the day, over analyzing everything that went on. If you do this, no wonder you cant get to sleep, it is exhausting! By getting your mind blank I simply mean think of something that is non-relevant Think of the ocean, blank, with nothing on it. Think of a snowy mountain, with no snowboarders or skiers on it, or think of rolling hills, and picture that in your mind until you fall asleep

Tip Three:

Read a book! If you love to read this is perfect for you. Late at night reading is great to get you tired. Especially if it is a boring book, or a school subject book such as chemistry. Reading a good book works too. Something about your eyes continuously working late at night puts your mind to ease much quicker than anything else you can do before bed time. If you are used to reading glasses, try to read as long as possible without them, this will allow your eyes to work that much harder, making them tired.

Carolina really loves writing articles about relaxation, she also has a passion for shopping for Womens Clothes Online and Travel Clothes for Women

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